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What sweetener can I use instead of honey, except sugar?

Sweeteners to be used instead of honey are maple syrup with a similar flavor and the same amount, agave nectar with similar consistency and the same amount, stevia with zero calories and only a few drops, and, for a more traditional sweetener, brown sugar with the same amount.

herbal teas

honey cinnamon tea recipe

Emine Aslan January 25, 2024
Honey Cinnamon Tea Recipe

Summary: Would you like to boost your immune system with a warming drink? Here is the honey cinnamon tea recipe for you. So easy to make!

Tags: Honey cinnamon tea

Cook Time:15 minutes
Prep Time:5 minutes
Author:Emine Aslan
Calories: 51

Honey cinnamon tea is a herbal tea made by steeping honey and cinnamon sticks or ground cinnamon in hot water. The mixture of honey and cinnamon creates a sweet and spicy flavor.

Both honey and cinnamon are full of antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory features, so honey cinnamon tea has many health benefits. It is used as a natural remedy for various health problems. In addition, it supports the immune system and improves body resistance against cold weather.

Honey cinnamon tea is traditionally brewed using a single teapot, either by steeping or simmering in hot water. However, the recipe below describes how to make honey cinnamon tea using a double tea kettle. Making honey cinnamon tea in a double tea kettle yields more flavorful tea warmer for a longer time than traditional single teapot brewing. You can refer to our related blog following this link to learn more about the different tea brewing methods in the world and how they affect the tea experience in terms of taste and duration to enjoy.

Now, let’s move on to the honey cinnamon tea recipe below and enjoy it with your loved ones!


  • 4 cinnamon sticks or 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  • 10 cups water, filtered or bottled, if tap water is of poor quality

  • 2-4 tablespoons honey (to taste)


  1. Add the water to the lower kettle and boil it on the stove.

  2. Once the water is boiled, add cinnamon and honey to the upper teapot and pour almost 4 cups of boiled water over it. If your teapot is larger and you would like to make more tea, increase the amount of honey and cinnamon accordingly.

  3. Add more water into the lower kettle, put it again on the stove to boil, and place the upper teapot over it, closing its lid.

  4. Once the water is boiled, wait 10 minutes for the cinnamon to release its flavor into the water.

  5. Once the honey cinnamon tea is ready, prepare the tea cups. Pour the infusion in the upper teapot into the cups by using a strainer. If you like lighter tea, pour the infusion halfway and then add boiled water to it from the lower kettle.

  6. Your honey cinnamon tea is ready.

  7. Serve it to your loved ones and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 serving
% Daily Value
Calories per serving
13.9 grams
0 grams
0.1 grams
0 milligrams
8 milligrams
0.6 grams

    To make cold honey cinnamon tea, let the honey cinnamon infusion cool down. Then, add ice cubes to a tall glass and pour chilled honey cinnamon infusion over the ice cubes. You can garnish it with an orange or a lemon slice.


    You can serve hot honey cinnamon tea in a regular teacup or coffee mug. However, preferring a glass teacup to enjoy its color while drinking is better. Iced honey cinnamon tea is usually served in a tall glass.

    Honey cinnamon tea is usually drunk without milk, but some people add milk to it for a creamier texture.